Mercer Transportation


Fundraising for St. Vincent

Raffique Providence works in recruiting at Mercer, and he was able to organize a fundraiser for disaster relief for the Caribbean island of Saint Vincent. Back in April, a volcano erupted on Saint Vincent, and more than 16,000 people were evacuated. Many had to be evacuated on cruise ships because the airports were closed. The humanitarian crisis left the people of Saint Vincent without electricity or clean water.

A U.S. citizen since 2017, Raffique grew up on the island of Saint Vincent and came to the United States when he was 21 years old. After eventually finding his way to Louisville, Raffique started working with Mercer back in May of 2012. As Brian Helton says, “Raffique brings a very unique, positive, fun-loving attitude to work every day and is just plain fun to be around.” 

Since Raffique still has friends and family on the island, he was eager to help. Mercer was happy to host a quick fundraiser, “Raffique’s Burgers and Dogs for a Cause” out by the building 8 warehouse. Brian and Raffique grilled up some hotdogs, burgers, and “Chef Raffique’s Paradise Patty Special.”In addition to collecting supplies, the event raised $1,371.00 to fill drums with medical supplies and other necessities for the relief efforts. As Brian said, “Thank ALL of you guys so much – it’s days like this that you realize what a special place this is to work. I’m proud of what we did here today. Raffique is very grateful for the generous donations and sends his thanks to everyone!!”

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